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Education The Key To Progress

WEB: A Catalyst for Transformation

Education: The Key to Progress

Education is widely recognized as the cornerstone of societal and economic advancement. The National Policy on Education, established in 1986, underscores this belief, acknowledging the transformative power of education in fostering economic growth, social transformation, and societal integration.

A Pivotal Role in Social Development

Education plays a pivotal role in addressing socio-economic disparities. By empowering citizens with knowledge and skills, education helps create a more equitable and just society.

Universal Access to Quality Education

A Foundation for an Equitable Society

Equitable access to quality education is essential for building a society where all citizens have the opportunity to thrive. It forms the foundation of a just and prosperous future.

Higher Education as an Engine of Progress

Driving Infrastructure Development

The Department of Higher Education within the Ministry of Education bears the responsibility of ensuring the overall development of higher education infrastructure. This investment in infrastructure will provide students with the resources and opportunities they need to excel.
